If you have been searching for a cloud hosting service, for sure you have come across Cloud400 from Source Data Products. This is currently one of the most trusted cloud hosting solutions for companies and organizations that are looking for one that provides what they need at a much cheaper price than IBM POWER.
If you are curious why you too should choose Cloud400, then you have come to the right place. Let’s go ahead and find out why IBM i cloud hosting by Cloud400 is currently the best choice by many of their clients from all across the globe.
Other Providers Charge More
Other cloud hosting providers charge 200% to 300% more compared to Cloud400. This means that with Cloud400, you are basically paying way much less but still getting the features and benefits that IBM POWER offers.
More Savings For Clients
For more than 30 years, Source Data Products has been supporting IBM i midrange users. This gave them the chance to know a little bit more about what their clients really need, and that is no extra overhead that they get from other providers. With Cloud400, clients will not have to pay for monitoring and maintenance. And that means more savings in the long run.
Work With IBM i Experts
When it comes to your cloud hosting needs, the last thing you want is to work with inexperienced providers. If you choose Cloud400, you are confident that you are working with experts who have been in this business for over 30 years. The provider makes sure that they work hard to keep their IBM technology fresh and up-to-date.
Free 60 Day Trial
For those who are making this switch from traditional to cloud hosting for the first time, spending on a service that they are not sure will work for them or not can be daunting. But if you choose Cloud400, you are given the chance to test out the cloud hosting services they offer in a 60-day trial for free. Remember, only providers who are confident with their services will give such an offer.
By now, for sure you are convinced that Cloud400 is the best cloud hosting solution for you. You have read how Cloud400 is way better than other IBM i cloud hosting services. This means that there’s no need to look further because Source Data Products has the best services for you, no matter how small or big your hosting needs are.